This website is a collection of things that help keep me balanced and happy (for the most part). I hope they help you, too.
First, a little background. Post-September 11, 2001, I became anxious. Very anxious. Thoughts of being trapped and out-of-control followed me wherever I went. I avoided thousands of situations.
Then, deep into 2003, I experienced my first panic attack.
It fucked me up beyond belief.
Pharmaceuticals were never an option for me. Personal choice. I knew I had to change the way I was thinking. Change the way I was living.
It wasn’t easy. It’s still not easy.
But I am a much more balanced person today. During this journey, I’ve picked up tips and tricks from various sources. This is where I am going to share them. They will sit on this site in case I need a reminder. A refresher. Or in case you need a little boost towards balance.
This is a project I’ve thought about for a very long time. Usually, I would talk it away for two reasons. One, the fear that talking about it will somehow make me more anxious. Two, the world seems to have enough websites and resources devoted to anxiety and staying relaxed.
However, I realize now, that if I can help one person feel just a little bit more relaxed, then it is well worth it.
It was 2004 when I fell in love with the word equanimity. The word had flow. The word was beautiful. And despite a decent SAT score, it was a word I had never heard before. Many thanks to Rev. Kusala Bhikshu, an American-born Buddhist monk who taught me so much on his early 00’s Urban Dharma podcast.
This website will not push you in any one direction. No one is selling religion, or meditation tapes, or anything like that. It’s an assortment of bits and pieces pulled from all over the universe that will hopefully help you live a better life.